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Camp écologique radical de protestation à Otradny

Il aura lieu en juillet et août de 2005 dans la région de Samara, Fédération de Russie, contre l’existence d’une usine dangereuse de traitement d’aluminium, située dans la ville d'Otradny, et qui a déjà causé beaucoup de nuisance à des centaines de personnes au sein de la population locale.


Background of the problem

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Ecrit par Mirobir, à 04:47 dans la rubrique "International".

Commentaires :

à 04:35

Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

On july 4th, radical eco-activists set up a camp of action and resistance in the 60 000 strong Russian town of Otradny in the Samara region, a good 1100 km’s east of Moscow, and will stay there until at least the end of august. The reason for this is a campaign against a factory recicling aluminium waste on the edge of the town, covering the place with toxic fumes.

Campaign against toxic fumes in Otradny, Russia. July/August 2005 action camp. On july 4th, radical eco-activists set up a camp of action and resistance in the 60 000 strong Russian town of Otradny in the Samara region, a good 1100 km’s east of Moscow, and will stay there until at least the end of august. The reason for this is a campaign against a factory recicling aluminium waste on the edge of the town, covering the place with toxic fumes. The factory: In 2001 the company REMETALL-C bought part of an former soviet steel-concrete factory and began recicling aluminium waste. The aluminum waste comes from aluminium producing factories and is melted in a process of extracting and recicling the remaining traces of aluminium. This produces highly toxic gases (AL2 O3). Producing aluminium is of course not a very ecological occupation by itself; but this factory doesn’t even slightly stick to the vague legal ecological standards. Former workers of REMETALL-C report about awful working conditions: wages are held back for months, the company doesn’t stick to health and safety regulations, workers have been reported suffering from bad coughs and breathing difficulties. Apart from that workers are regularly sacked, nobody works there for a long time which, in combination with an extremely high unemployment rate and employment without contracts, leads to the fear of being sacked and none of the workers dare or even have the possibilty to take legal steps defending their rights. Security and environmental examinations on the premises of the factory have taken place, but the official results are always the same: “Everything’s going according to legal regulations”, is what the officials publicly announced, though so far the public have been denied direct access to any of the actual results in facts and numbers. The campaign: In 2003 the first complaints arose, when workers of the neighbouring Yukos-Oil corporation and other factories began suffering from asthma attacks, breathing difficulties and lung diseases. They went to court – unsuccessfully. Inhabitants of the nearby neighbourhood as well as workers and their families seeked the assistance of local environmental NGOs, who turned out not to be of any help to them though. All they did was tell them to get in contact with the “RAINBOW KEEPERS”, a radical ecological activist group working on a non-hierarchical basis who then decided to take up the campaign together with other active groups and locals. On july 3rd, the day before the camp was set up, local elections were held for the city government and the mayor’s seat. The pro-government pre-election newspaper started a campaign against the expected protesters, calling them “Anarcho-Nationalists” who were paid by the oppositional party to come from outside, disturb the elections and bring disorder and chaos to the town of Otradny, because they didn’t know where else to spend their summer and needed the money the opposition pays them for alcohol. On the day itself the town was packed with police, including OMON special forces, to protect the citizens from the eco-activists who weren’t going to show up until the next day, anyway. The action camp: On july 4th, after a few months of mobilisation, the “International Ecological Protest Camp” was set up not far from the factory itself. The same day some 20 police showed up together with agents of the secret service FSB to identify those 8 protesters before unlawfully forcing them off the site. But the activists quickly managed to draw the attention of the public and the press towards the site and set up their tents on a new site, directly next to the factory and the chimney releasing the toxic fumes.

By now the number of activists on site has risen to about 30, a maximum of around 70 is to be expected. The aim of the camp is to create awareness of and draw attention to the problem and the corrupt ways in which the local government deals with it, and to put pressure on those responsible to take the legal steps neccessary and shut the factory. The legal situation: The state health and epidemological institute stated a report to the procurator, the executive organ of the court, giving him basis to decide on july 7th that the factory should stop working because of environmental and security regulations, such as the chimney working without a functioning filter and other things. But this paper is useless, as it is written in such a way, that the factory have no legal reason to stick to that decision. So far activists have been picketing the central market square every day, handing out information and speaking to local inhabitants. On Saturday, july 16th a public meeting is to be held in the city centre, and on july 21st a general rally. The press and local as well as national TV-stations seem rather interested in the whole subject, several articles have been published in various newspapers and the local TV-stations broadcasted about the protest site on the evening news. The camp will go on until at least the end of august. Check: Contact us at:


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à 18:22

Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

16/07 : Le travail d’information continue et se fait dans la rue auprès des gens

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à 02:17

Re: Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

18.07 Otradny : Attaques des activistes par « la sécurité » de l'usine Remetall-C. Deux incidents se sont produits. Dans la matinée d’abord lors du départ pour aller à Samara, le long de la route qui y mène. Un garde de l’usine était posté et nous a attaqués. Durant l’après-midi ensuite, le même garde s’en sont pris à l’un des notre et l’a frappé, menaçant d’appeler la milice si nous continuions, de prétendre que nous l’aurions lui-même menacé et battu…

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à 04:08

Re: Re: Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

(21.07) First 18 days of ecological protest camp in Otradny


The camp was launched on 4th of July, and it was harassed by local police and FSB (state security service) the next day already. Officers came to camp in daytime, when everybody except two persons were busy in the town, they illegally searched tents and demanded to close down the camp, claiming that "local police is about to organize a training on this ground". Eventually human rights activist from Samara was called for legal support, and officers had to retreat due to illegality of their claims and stubbornness of activists. Eventually camp was moved to another place, and soon police established a guarding point next to the camp. Some journalists visited the camp, and on 6th of July security chief of “Remetall-C” began distributing propaganda, claiming that whole camp is paid by deputy of Samara region duma (parliament) A.I. Rokkel.


On 10th of July participants of the camp organized first protest action in the town with the slogan "Remetall, let us breath!". Action participants walked around with gas masks on, visited shops and parks just as usual. Then they converged near the administration building of Otradniy town, where masks were taken away and everybody immediately "died". The idea was to demonstrate to inhabitants, that normal life without gas masks will be impossible in case OOO TD “Remetall-C” continues their business. After the action, activists distributed some leaflets in the town.


On 12th of July first informational picket was organized in the center of the town. Immediately when activists unrolled the banner "We want to breath" and set up the information stand, administrators of the market place came harassing picketers with their security service and called the police. Eventually administration had to admit that picket was legal and left the activists in peace. Some workers of "Remetall-C" also came to gather information about the protests, but when activists began asking them questions, they quickly left the place.


On 16th of July a general assembly of more than 100 people living in the vicinity of “Remetall-C” was organised. The assembly agreed that environmental situation in the area is miserable, that “Remetall-C” must provide information about materials they are processing, and that their business must be closed down. Assembly also supported the idea of founding people's self-government body to deal with the problems of the area.


Workers of “Yukos” which has operations in the same industrial area as “Remetall-C” told about threats from “Remetall-C” when they had complained about health problems. Security of “Remetall-C” tried to disturb the meeting – but without success. Some officials from municipal sanitary inspection were there as well, they claimed that operation of “Remetall-C” is completely safe but they were ridiculed and shouted at by the people during their speech.

On 18th of July on two different occasions a thug employed by “Remetall-C” assaulted altogether 4 participants of the camp on their way to train station. One man from Samara, two men and one woman from Moscow were hurt.


On 19th of July administration of Otradniy intensified PR campaign against the camp. 7 persons with a TV camera came to the camp, and made a proposal to the activists to visit “Remetall-C” in order to organize an ecological expertise there immediately. When activists noted that factory only works at night, and proposed to invite experienced specialists with a laboratory equipment in a few days, visitors accused them of having no real interest to solve the problem and of "selling out". Visitors also gave activists an "open letter" written by 14 members of regional ecological organization "Green planet" which accused the camp of "speculation on the health of the people". This is not the first time when officials mobilize NGO's against radical environmentalists during their greenwash PR campaigns.


On 21st of July administration made some new efforts in order to harass the camp. At 9 AM, environmental inspector from MUP “Ekologiya” Natalya Revina, director of the Youth House Snezhana Sokolova, and some other people came to camp, first they crushed two tents with a car and then began a picnic with a garden table, announcing that they came to "relax outdoors" and "have a look at the camp". They announced that they will spend a couple of days there. At 1 PM, three women rushed to campaign headquarters in the city, announced that they are from the city Committee for property management and that they were going to do an inspection there.


"Inspectors" began shouting, asking on which basis radical ecologists are working with a computer. Activists showed them rent contracts, and since "inspectors" found no other legal basis to harass the campaigners, they left the apartment.


Later today, on 21st of July, first meeting is planned in the city center. City mayor made several attempts to ban the meeting, but activists are committed to organize it anyway.


Background of the problem – read here -


Contacts of the protest camp :

ekolager (at)
protest (at)

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à 04:14

Re: Re: Re: Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

Grrrmlmlml ! Bazar de truc ! Libertinou, si je peux me permettre de te demander de mettre ce texte sur fond noir… et d’enlever ce commentaire par la même occasion. Mirlitûte !

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à 02:49

Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

Cinema 2005-07-24


Séance nocturne informative sur les méfaits de l’inhalation de poussière d’aluminium sur la santé avec la présentation du film « Dust » (directeur - Sergey LOBAN -...


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à 03:41

Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

26 juillet : Blocage de protestation par les 25 participant(e)s au camp écologique radical, dans les bureaux du chef territorial d’Otradny (équivalant du préfet de région) pour l’obtention immédiate de documents de l’administration pour une demande de mise en conformité, au minimum, de l’usine de recyclage et de traitement d’aluminium REMETALL-C. Incluant aussi la diminution de l’activité de l’usine.


Au départ, cette requête nous a été refusée, mais vu notre instances (complet débordement des fonctionnaires - prétextes divers et inexistences de réponses cohérentes) le (la) chef territorial consent à examiner la demande au cour des semaines prochaines.


La police est intervenue pour nous déloger du bâtiment, mais nous ne voulions pas sortir sans une réponse de l’‘’Administration’’. C’est grâce aux explications de la chef territorial (reconnaissons l’honnêteté) que nous avons été relâchés du palais de justice avec uniquement retenu contre nous les charges d’avoir commis le forfait d’insubordination à fonctionnaire de police dans l’exercice de sa fonction, malgré l’insistance d’officiers à vouloir nous envoyer en détentions. D’autres actions sont en préparations.

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à 03:33

Re: Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

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à 00:32

Re: Re: Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

Occupation pacifique ce 1er août vers les 14h00 à Samara de et dans l’entrée des bureaux administratifs de l’usine REMETALL-C (enchaîné à la porte). Une banderole a été tendue sur la façade avec le message suivant : « Nous étouffons ! Remetall devient riche ! »


L’occupation à créée un énervement parmi le personnel - la porte d’entrée étant bloquée - et des représentants de la direction ont exprimés leur mécontentement à des journalistes venus aux nouvelles. Photos et article

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à 00:46

Re: Re: Re: Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

3 août : aujourd’hui est apparut au campement un membre du FSB local, concernant une plainte de la direction de REMETALL-C relative à nos initiatives (nous sommes considéré semble t’il comme la tête de pont d’une nouvelle « révolution orange » (!?). Il lui a été signalé que nous sommes anti-autoritaires, que nos actions de protestations sont non-violente, apolitique, que nous agissons dans la légalité et restons sereins face à des « accusations » délirantes. La campagne écologique vise à faire prendre leurs responsabilités aux gestionnaires de l’usine pour que cesse la dégradation de l’environnement, pour informer les habitants des danger sanitaires, tout simplement.

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à 13:07

Re: Re: Re: Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

Des images vidéo de l’occupation (pendant 3 heures) du 1er août des bureaux administratifs de l’usine à Samara :

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à 04:14

Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

A la demande du ministre de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles (région de Samara +- 60.000 km2) pour la surveillance technologique et écologique a été conduit une enquête sur les activités de l’usine Remetall (doc 01 doc 02). Il n’est pas démontré que son activité est nuisible... Les questions suivantes restes sans réponse jusqu’à aujourd’hui : Pourquoi l’inspection a t’elle été faite de jour, alors que l’usine fonctionne principalement de nuit ?, pourquoi avoir fait une seule mesure sur un jour alors qu’il en faut trois minimum ?, pourquoi avoir mesuré des émanations de gaz connus ?, pourquoi la description de la méthode/qualité de nettoyage n’est pas reprise sur le rapport ?, pourquoi n’y retrouve t’on pas son processus ? De sorte que des experts indépendants ne puissent commencer un travail d’analyse qui ne serait pas concordant avec la réalité de l’environnement et de l’activité ''du plan'' ? Il est nécessaire d’obtenir un minimum de réponse aux questions énumérées au-dessus !

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à 04:10

Re: Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

Réunion du 8 août dans l’école provinciale d’Otradny (+- 300 personnes) pour la demande de prise de mesure de fermeture définitive de l’usine. Ce qui implique la fin des privilèges et de ‘’flux’’ d’argents pour ‘’l’administration’’. L’initiative n’a évidemment pas plus, et certainement pas la manifestation d’après la réunion devant celle-ci. -

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à 18:15

Babouchka, Indomptable Babouchka !

Images vidéo d’après la réunion (08.08) avec la population à la mairie d’Otradny et occupation des lieux (toit) Voir images.jpg en bas d’article :


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à 18:53

Re: Babouchka, Indomptable Babouchka !

Ce sont des Babouchka d’été, celles d’hiver sont encore plus féroces ;-)

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à 00:50


ФИЛЬМ, ФИЛЬМ, ФИЛЬМ ! (film, film, film !) 15.05 : Projection du film ‘’Dom durakov’’ (House of Fools (en) La Maison de fous (fr) à 21h00 dans la cour des maisons le long de la ‘’Soviet 97’’. Réalisateur : Andrei Konchalovsky. Rôles principaux : Yuliya Vysotskaya, Yevgeni Mironov, Sultan Islamov, Stanislav Varkki, Yelena Fomina. Les événements du film se produisent dans un hôpital psychiatrique situé à la frontière de l’Ingouchie et de la Tchétchénie pendant la guerre. Dès le début du conflit, le personnel disparaît laissant les patients au caractère arbitraire du destin. Entrée libre, prix libre.

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à 03:17

Девушки и мальчики (Girls and Boys) Otradny 2005

Vidéo de présentation des actions de protestations non-violentes passées et présentes contre l’usine :

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à 00:20

Russia: Eco-activist camp in Otradny, Samara

28-08 : Trois personnes se sont hissées au sommet de la cheminée de l’usine Remetall-C. Ils y sont restés de 15h00 à 22h00 et ont été immédiatement mis en état d’arrestation dès leurs retour au sol pour êtres relâchés deux heures après à la grande satisfaction des habitant(e)s d’Otradny présent(e)s sur les lieux (ainsi que des journalistes qui couvraient ‘’l’événement’’). Tout trois sont maintenant accusés de vandalisme… Un comble alors que l’action de protestation vise la conclusion de l’‘’examen’’ d’Etat qui prétend l’usine sans danger pour la région, au dire aussi de la ‘’direction’’ de celle-ci, mais qui ne veut pas présenter tous les documents... La conclusion pour les particpant(e)s à l’éco-camp est que le rapport de l’étude en question n’a jamais réellement été realisé… L’éco-camp est terminé, mais la campagne de protestation continue !

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