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L'En Dehors

Quotidien anarchiste individualiste

Crée le 18 mai 2002

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Appel pour donner un coup de main pour le sous-titrage en anglais du film d'Hélène Chatelain "Nestor Makhno, Paysan d'Ukraine"
I am translating to English the 1996 documentary Nestor Makhno, Paysan d'Ukraine by Hélène Chatelain.
My French is limited so i am calling French speakers to help complete the subtitles, i.e. proofreading and checking the missing parts.
The time-codes are complete and translation is 85-95% complete.
The film ans subtitles are available here:
An English translation would be really great and there is interest already, e.g. the London ICA posted the film on their social media and website (
In solidarity,

Ecrit par libertad, à 18:58 dans la rubrique "Histoire de l'anarchisme".

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