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CNT-f : "Dans l’entreprise E-Land / New Core (centres commerciaux), on aime pas ceux qui revendiquent. Et les ouvrier-es qui s’organisent paient le prix...
Attaques des piquets de grèvistes par des milices patronales les 20 juin et 31 juillet 2007. Un membre du syndicat KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) mandaté au comité de négociation arrêté. Les comptes bancaires des grèvistes bloqués. Le droit de grève des ouvriers annulé par une disposition sur "l’obstruction au travail".
La grève fait suite à l’annonce par la direction de E-Land / New Core d’accroître la rentabilité et la productivité sur le dos des ouvriers. Pour le personnel cela se traduit par des journées de 10 heures pour un salaire de 850 dollars par mois, mais aussi de licenciements massifs, une plus grande flexibilité horaire. Enfin, l’ancienne convention collective a été modifiée, par la Direction, sans que le personnel n’ait été consulté !!! Rien que ça...
Face à cette situation, les travailleur-ses se sont organisés pour se défendre, ont mis en place des piquets de grève et ont adhèré au syndicat KCTU.
Le 31 juillet, la KCTU organisait une rencontre de branche et décidait de la tenue d’un Congrès pour le 21 août avec pour unique préoccupation : résoudre le problème des grévistes d’E-Land / New Core et envisager des actions d’envergure. La KCTU, au niveau national, mettait en place une campagne de boycott dans tout le pays avec pour un objectif "zéro vente". Le 18 septembre 2007, enfin, 50 000 travailleurs d’E-Land / New Core entameront une marche à travers le pays.
La KCTU a averti : si le gouvernement et E-Land veulent négocier il faudra d’abord qu’ils s’excusent pour les actes brutaux commis à l’égard les travailleur-ses.
La KCTU appelle à la solidarité internationale et nous invite à ecrire des lettres de protestation auprès du président Roh Moo Hyun : Blue House +82 2 770 1690 (fax) ou par e-mail à
Une copie doit etre envoyée au ministére du travail à Ministre Lee Sang-Soo : +82 2 504 6708 (fax) ou e-mail
Envoyez aussi une copie à la KCTU au +82 2 2635 1134 (fax) ou par mail à
Modèle de lettre :
I am writing you on behalf of (name of your organization), which represents (number of members) of (name of your country).
We were informed that the police attacked the striking irregular workers of Eland/Newcore twice on the 20th and 31st of July. We strongly condemn these brutal police acts against the sit-in strikers. Your Government, despite being responsible for a bill that expands irregular work instead of protecting the casual workers, used the police force to repress the irregular workers’ demands for their livelihood.
We were informed that E-Land has used weaknesses in the law to lay off contract cash register workers, and have forced them into illicit contracts, and have contracted out their work. The management even breached the collective agreement, which had clearly stated that those who had worked for over 18 months would not be laid off, by unilaterally terminating their contracts. They have also ignored the local government labor committee’s decision that it was an unfair dismissal. While E-Land management has not hesitated to engage in illicit and unjust practices, it has used such extreme language as ’terrorism’ to denounce the strike and sit-in by the workers, and has sued the union leadership for obstruction of justice.
Even though the root of all the problems is the irregular workers bill, we were informed that your government has not put forth an earnest effort to resolve the E-Land incident. Despite numerous cases of unfair and illegal labor practices on the part of management being revealed as a result of a special labor inspection, it has not acted to correct them. The repression of irregular workers at E-Land is not an isolated incident. 271 workers were arrested during the past year alone, and 200 of these were irregular workers. 73% of all arrested laborers were irregular workers. The number of workers arrested under your Government is now at 958. This is a higher number then the two previous governments (Kim Yung-sam 632, Kim Dae-jung 892).
Regarding the E-Land incident, your Government has already arrested E-Land general union leaders including Bro. Kim Kyung-wook, president of E-Land general union and issued arrest warrants for 1 member of the said union and 8 for the leadership of the other union at New Core that has been on strike.
- We strongly denounce the use of police force by your Government against the striking workers and urge you to release all arrested unionists immediately.
- We also denounce the acts by E-Land management that have led to the loss of jobs for a vulnerable sector and that have threatened the livelihood of these workers. We call for the laid-off workers to be reinstated.
- At the same time, we believe that the irregular workers bill, which has now revealed its ineffectiveness and loopholes to the entire nation, needs to be revoked. In this way, we call for a complete revision to the law, one that implements limitations on the uses of temporary or contract work.
International workers solidarity !!!
[Signature du syndicat CNT, UL, militant etc.)
Le secrétariat international Secteur Asie