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L'En Dehors

Quotidien anarchiste individualiste

Crée le 18 mai 2002

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Back to paradise
Our project is to reforest 25% of cultivated lands on earth as soon as possible with everybody’s participation so they absorb excess carbon poured in atmosphere since agricultural and industrial revolution. Our goal : stop greenhouse effect by coming back in 100 years (a forest age) to the former concentration (280 ppmv). Huge orchads to save us from the end and hunger!

How to create a Paradise on Earth Terre ?

By inhabiting fruit forests rather than megacities fed with industrial crops of low quality and contrary to nature


Everybody knows mankind is responsible for destruction of our planet. Species monitoring shows a tremendous crash 100 to 10 000 times faster than normal evolution. A catastrophe sharing comparison to dinosaurs collapse .

Oceans are emptied of fish by factory boats. Coral reefs are bleaching because of global warming. Tropical forests are shrinking dramatically.

World population is exploding to 8 billions in 2020.

Greenhouse effect comes from carbon dioxyde, methan, nitrogen protoxyde relaesed from engines, factories, intensive agriculture (inputs), cattle and rice crops. We must struggle angainst those sources.

But there is more. Drills in polar ice showed Earth mean temperature had evolved throw centuries from -5°C to +2°C around present temperature.
With global warming, evolution will be a hundred times faster reaching +1 to +4°C in 2100 and +7°C in 2200. Global ecosystem will collapse.
Mankind the same.
Our civilisation is doomed to extract excess carbon or perish.

Global project

A 1 ha forest unit set on a crop is estimated to extract 2 tons carbon a year. Excess carbon is estimated 156 billions of tons. Crop are estimated 2,76 billions of ha. The age of a forest is a century. After a century extraction is over. Thus we estimated to come back to former concentrations in 2100 by reforesting 25% of earth crops. A dozen of trees by human.
On that basis we imagine a truly ecologiacl world society.

Eco-villages network

More and more city inhabitants think of leaving stress and pollution.
Urban exodus towards eco-villages should also solve the feeding problem of industrial crops , transport, and human exploitation in fruits and vegetables


Eco-house exists. Cheap, easily built, human size, it suppresses concrete the industry of which is also responsible for greenhouse effect.
In European cliamte architecture is wood-made. The roof also (picture).
Walls are made with straw bunches attached to the structure and reinforced by wood. Then walls are first dressed with a mixture of earth and clay, then with lime. That revolutionnary technique is remarkable for isothermic propieties and germans proved it was absolutely safe concerning fire risks.
We also use a wood burner. The ground can remain in earth. It is very comfortable.

Another possibility is a double plastic film greenhouse. Light is maximum.
A wood burner can complete the effect.

In tropical climate, the traditional vege roof like polynesian « fare » is the best.
But it is possible to use synthetic roofs to capture rain water.

Dry closets.

Our civilisation is horrified by shit. Yet, shit is a component of natural matter cycle. Moreover flush system is consuming to much water. Instead we use wood pieces or straw. Regularly we empty the container and let
it for compost.

Fruit forests in european climate

The eco-village built in a diversified oachard can give fruit all the year : almands, nuts, figs, apples, pears, prunes, apricots, sweet chestnuts, pistachio nuts, olives, grapefruit, various berries

Moreover it exists eatable acorns . It is possible to substitute those trees to existing forests.

The crop that should be restructured first are cows lands and big intensive industrial cultures responsible for greenhouse effect because of the use of nitrogen enrichment. The culture of cereals could be arranged by eco-village. New techniques such as permaculture are a good source for quality food obtained with less work.

In the southern europe and mediterranean climate the pine forests burning each summer could be replaced by mediterranean orchads free from burning .

Forest gardening in european climate : how does it work ?

Forest gardening participates of the reasearch of co-creation with nature instead of artificialisation , extreme humanisation of ecosystems.
Originally forests they were turned into crops with the following caracteristics :

-excess simplification
- permanent work
-enrichment of soil and plants to compensate humus loss provoqued by fast
mineralisation and wash due to soil work and naking from herbs
- genetical manipulations and patentability of the living …

Observing equilibrated ecosystems (climax associations : soil / climate / vegetation) , we see an important auto-fertility, going along with great diversity of vegetation , distributed on various levels, aa always protected soil and never worked.
Forest garden inspires from that natural landscape, abolishing frontiers between trees and plants, orchad, garden wild and cultivated plants…
Areas of different densities with more or less big clearings enable to integrate various plants distributed on various levels under or around trees after the light need
Find a wise balance between needs in water, nutrients and light of plants distributed in various levels gives an important global production inspite of concurrence, because of synergies and ecological effects of trees (lower impact of rain, erosion and transpiration, recycling of nutrients and soil protection, lower impact of wind, warmer micro-climate and greater organic life
The forest garden levels are : large trees, medium trees, small trees, little trees, bush, herbs, roots, climbing plants

Priority is given to perennial plants or reproducing alone, hardy and give a place to wild eatable plants (dandelion, nettle, tumbleweed, alisma, comfrey, chenopodium) in garden and plates
Not working the soil and a permanent cover , auto-fertility, dynamic balance and a maximum result for a minimum work; all that enables to get in a few years in a ecovillzge vision an oasis of feeding life rich in
diversity and reproducing in the time.

To get closer to multilevel gardens of tropical or mediterranean peoples where house is integrated to plants is possible in european climate and a 30 years experiment is present in England (robert hart)

Bibliography : forest garden , forest gardening (robert hart) et how to
make a forest garden (patrick whitefield) permanent publications, The
sustainability centre east meon, hampshire GU32 IHR united kingdom

Tropical fruit forests

The yield of tropical orchads mixed with gardens iss high and needs less work. Using solar dryers enables to save fruits and nuts. Moreover tropical forest is rich in medecine plants.

Industrial agriculture needs high investments. Success or failure depends on the ratio between investments and production. In wet tropics, that ratio is not in favor of industrial agriculture. For ecological reasons it is not a good solution anyway.

Another way of culture is mixed culture reproducing the forest landscape.
It keeps fertility of soils. It is possible to use a mix of oil palm trees, coconuts, bread fruit, bananas, cofee, cocoa, kola, oranges and other trees with in a lower level crops of taro, potaoes and corn.

The global yield of that practise will be better than usual culture with the increasing price of petroleum because of its low need in intakes and chemical products.

For exemple, oil palm tree can give up to 6 tons of oil per hectare.
Coconut has good yield in oil and proteins. Bread fruit (Artocarpus altilus) can give up to 8 tons carbon hydrates per hectare. Karité (Butyrospermum parkii) could replace peanuts in dry tropics.

The goal is not to get the better yield for every culture but to maximise the global production.

That practise could generalise with the increasing price of petroleum.


Traduction Retour au paradis

Ecrit par libertad, à 23:05 dans la rubrique "Actualité".

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